Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pankration & Sport CombatSombo

1st British Semi Contact PANKRATION & Sport CombatSombo Championship

Swale Martial Arts Club Sittingbourne

Sunday July 4th 10.00am

Men over 16 years


Entry fee £10 for both events

All competitors must be members of GUK, IBF, BCSA, PUK

Entries with money-DOB-WEIGHT

Semi Contact Pankration 10 am

Sport CombatSombo 1pm


June 27th cheques payable IBF 118 East Street Sittingbourne ME10 4RX

Monday, March 29, 2010

New Sombo Instructors


Sunday, March 28, 2010

British Sombo Champs




Sambo Championships

Sunday April 11th 2010

Sittingbourne community College

Swanstree Ave
Sittingbourne, ME10 4NL

Entries Close April 3rd 2009

Entry Fee: £15.00 for BSF & FIAS Members £20 Non Members

Group 1 Men’s Categories (18yrs +)

U57k, U62k, U68k, U74k, U82k, U90k, U100k, 100k

Group 2 Ladies: Matched on the day

Group 3 Veteran Men 35 years and above will be matched

Group 4 Youth Boys 16 to 17 years inclusive

U55k, U62k, U68k, U74k, U82k, +82k

Group 5 Youth Girls 16 to 17 years inclusive

U48k, U53k, U57k, U63k +63K

Group 6 Junior Boys 8 years to 12 years inclusive

U25k, U30k U35k, U40k, U45k, U50k, u55k, +55k

Group 7 Junior Girls 8 years to 12 years inclusive

U25k, U30k U35k, U40k, U44k, U48k, u53k, +53k

Group 8 Junior Boys 13,14,15 years

U25k, U30k U35k, U40k, U45k, U50k, u55k, u55k, u60k, u65k, O65k

Group 9 Junior Girls 13,14,15 years

U25k, U30k U35k, U40k, U44k, U48k, u53k, u60k, O60k

We will be using just one mat area in a smaller venue due to

Credit Crisis this year so the entry will be restricted to 150

participants so book in early

Junior Weigh In 9.00 am

Youth Weigh In 9.30 am

Men/Ladies/Veterans weigh in 12 noon

Referees and Judges Meeting 9 am

Proof of age may be required and proof of Insurance cover for non affiliated members. Members to produce license book

International Sambo Rules will apply (Submissions apply to all youth categories)

Note: Organisers reserve the right to amalgamate categories if required.

British Sambo Open Wrestling Championships

Entry Form




Tel No:



Date of birth---------------------------------

Affiliated Club Association

Entry Fee

Entries to BSF England,


Phone 01795 426784 /// email, kcba19892@blueyonder.co.uk ibfbcsa@googlemail.com

Cheques payable BCSA

Competition Organiser BCSA

Email: SomboGB@blueyonder.co.uk Tel: 00 44 1795 555463

IBF/BCSA EastLeigh House 118 East Street Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4RX

Rules and regulations

International Sombo Rules will apply (Submissions apply to youth cats)

Note: Organisers reserve the right to amalgamate categories if required

All players must wear correct Sombo attire

Blue or Red Sombo Jacket with matching shorts

(Black or white shorts will not be allowed)



Corriger le Bleu d'habit de Sombo ou le Veston de Sombo Rouge avec les short

Correspondants (les short noirs ou blancs ne seront pas permis) les Bottes de Sombo

Corrija traje de Sombo Chaqueta Azul o Roja de Sombo con calzones parejos

(calzones negros o blancos no se permitirán) Botas de Sombo

Korrigieren Sie Sombo Kleidung Blau oder Rot Sombo Jacke passend mit Kurzhose

(Schwarz oder weiße Kurzhose) Sombo Stiefel werden nicht erlaubt werden an

Исправьте Sombo одеяние, которое синий или Красный Жакет Sombo с соответствием шортам

(черные или белые шорты не будет позволяться) Sombo Ботинки.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Letter from BNMAA

Below is a letter sent me by an organisation called BNMAA (Click to read)it seems I am a member without knowing it. The BNMAA have had a falling out with AMA with the BNMAA clsoing down I do not know about the AMA, I have just written an an article a time to reflect and this just proves my point.

If any AMA or BNMAA want join an organisation that has been in existance for 40 years with decent Insurance cover they should contact me or go to www.budo-ibf.co.uk


A time to reflect

Hip Operation a time to reflect
As most of you know I have suffered for many years with a damaged Knee and Hip due to past Judo injuries, February 2009 I had a total Knee replacement which was a great success and a week ago I had a total hip replacement which was a success, although the after care for the Hip is considerable because it may dislocate in the early stages it could be 3 months before you consider yourself safe. The actual operation is a lot less painful then the knee. These two operations mean I can get back to some normality instead of walking around like a cripple, although I can not return to competition or any form of fighting I will be able to be more proactive in coaching i.e. be able to demonstrate techniques, so I will starting a couple of classes in Sombo and Pankration in Sittingbourne and will running classes at the Summer Camp.
In 2001 I won the World Judo Masters after the win I decided I would have a few months of but I would never fight again in Judo or Sombo from this date as both injuries deteriorated rapidly. It seemed as God had said “You wanted a World Title, now you have it. It is time to finish and make you and your wife’s life more comfortable”. Competiting had been a very costly affair and apart from what people thought I was not a rich man, it was not just about money but also about family. When ever I have an argument with my spouse one the things that comes up “you were away most weekends when the kids were young”, this is maybe why my oldest has been more troublesome since she was 16 and she is 40 this year, thankfully the other two have kept up the family tradition and are very much involved in what I do.
So staying 4 days in hospital was not such a bad thing, cannot say it was not painful but the simple fact is you can not go any where and everything is brought to you including the piddle pot was in a way quite relaxing. Time to read and think, I done a lot of reminiscing especially about my Mum and Dad the obvious things you remember like childhood memories are always there but some things was not so obvious. I can never remember my parents being vindictive or vengeful, angry with people yes and they would often say careful of so and so they are not to be trusted but nothing really violent in later life I had an incident where a favourite student of mine done the dirty and for years I tried reap revenge on him to no avail in fact it made him stronger. The Chinese Proverb “He who seeks vengeance must dig two graves: one for his enemy and one for himself” My mother was a religious women and when I told her my thoughts she quoted the Christian Philosophy “turn the other cheek” but it my father who had the pragmatic answer which was “Do you want to do what he is doing? Answer NO; Does he effect what you do? NO, Does he affect you financially? NO So why are you even thinking of him” This incident happened 30 years ago and everything my parents said was true, I have met the guy on many occasions and hold no malice and would even hire my club to him after all business is business, has achieved anything yes he is now a higher grade and most probably worthy of it but as my Father said he was never a threat and he wasn’t.
This incident reminded me of another occasion when I would not listen to my Parent advice. If you have read my book “Martin for Moscow” you will have read that I had issues with the British Judo Association hierarchy of the time, well after the 1980 Moscow Olympics the BJA advertised the post of Assistant Manager to the British team, So I applied but both my parents warned me if I got an interview it would become a Kangaroo court because of my history and association with other Judo organisations. No I said! They are the governing body they would not do this, so I got on with preparing a plan. My main thought for the team was to involve each players individual Coach in their training as I believed and still do a British Team manager will not know the individual as his coach does, yes they can teach new techniques and fighting strategies but what makes the player tick? What excites them? What depresses them? What are his bad habit or good habits and son on? I travelled to London to a posh Hotel for the interview and you guessed it was as my parents said it was interview of insults to all the other Judo associations and my parents, I am pleased to say I kept my calm, I think the only reason for this is they sat behind a table so did I maybe if we had been closer some of them would have been laying down rather then sitting. It is pleasing say thirty years on most of the those on the board are no longer with us and the BJA accept people from all associations and allow them to belong to all association in the knowledge they are the governing body. Mind you if you look at the 1970/80’s most of the world was run by dictatorships and left wing militant organisations so what could you expect.

Another thing I have always tried to do was if I have a problem get it out of the way as soon as possible as if you leave it to festers it becomes worse as it eats inside you. Another lesson from my father, When I was 16 I had an old Ariel 500cc side valve motorbike I sold it to a guy for £10 and he said he would collect in a week’s time. Instead of leaving the machine alone I fiddled with it and broke the head instead of contacting the guy I waited till the day he was to collect it. Each day my nerves got worse, each day I felt sick because I knew I had to face him. Then the day came luckily enough my father was there when he rung the door bell, so I said to Dad tell him I am not here. What did he do took the guy to see the bike and they both saw the damage, what did my father do walked indoors told me to get outside and sort my own mess out, The outcome was the guy calmly said I shouldn’t have done it and still took the bike. So all that worry was for nothing, So now I tackle a problem head on.

As I get older people have told me I have mellowed that may be true I would liked to think I have got wiser but I can still remember being young, challenging my parents and senior grades, telling them they are to old and they did not understand Judo like us young ones we are the fighters, the champions not the talkers. It is a good job those talkers were strong and kept me in place and listened when my ideas were good and told me to shut up when they were bad because for every one Champion there are thousands who are not and it is them that keep Judo, Sombo what ever alive.

I now listen to ideas and points of view from people of all ages when I run my various organisations, I encourage them to try new ideas because no one man can be the fountain of all knowledge something Young People have a trouble understanding this. OK sometimes you have to make a decision which is not popular but that goes with the job of being head of an organisation or family. As I said I have had many people crap on me from a great height most of the time in was unjustified but over the years I have learnt to deal with it.

Moving on I have wondered what makes some Martial Arts people so obsessed with there own status and in turn what makes them so vindictive and jealous, I spent some time in Local Politics and area of life where you expected a lot of back stabbing etc yet on they never match Martial Arts Politics. So Why?

Martial Arts are very much a Hierarchy both in its attitude to standards (Grades Belts) and in its administration. To run an organisation you need a hierarchal system for it to work and our Belt Promotion was designed as a means of encouragement and to show to others what standard you are. So the problem is not the system it is the people involved, the general thought in academic circles was that the majority of people who really get involved in Martial Arts were not that intelligent and were in the lower social classes who were not given a good education. The part about good education and social class may be true, unintelligent NO. A lot of people I know who have got involved in Martial Arts in a big way i.e. high grades, run organisations etc were people who never achieved a great success in normal life sometimes it was there fault sometime it was not but when they tried the Martial Arts they suddenly realised they were good at it and more importantly they could do something others could not and as they progressed they gained KUDOS from people who in the past most probably did not even acknowledge them. This I feel is one of the pluses of the Martial Arts Improving peoples esteem but there can be a down side. As some become more powerful, more respected etc a few become paranoid and see every one as a rival. How many times do you see Martial Art Players grade go up because a rival has been promoted, infighting starts because someone wants a higher position to increase their status and then there is always the student who thinks he knows better then his teacher and starts his own association and style creating the “ULTIMATE MARTIAL ART” or “HOW I RE-INVENTED THE WHEEL” a lot have less then 10 years experience! I know that I am more knowledgeable then my teachers mainly my mother and father and that’s not being conceited and hopefully my son will become more knowledgeable then me, that should be a natural progression and the way Martial Arts evolve. This should not be something to be frightened of but something you should be grateful to have a student that surpasses the Teacher is a great honour.

Well my Hip Operation has certainly affected my thoughts maybe I can invent a new art “Bone Replacement Mediation” who knows

What of the future:

I feel that Martial Arts will continue to get smaller and I believe that will be a good thing because those who are in it just for money, kudos and power will vanish very quickly and we will be left with those who enjoy what they do just for the sake of it. Judo I believe will be one that suffers the most as the latest rule changes seemed to be designed to appease TV audiences and TV Producers, you will see many smaller competitions offering different rules once again I believe this will be good for Judo.
Myself I am looking forward to promoting my CombatSombo and GrapplingUK with my own Dojo I can organise lots of small competitions in the words of Del Trotter “Lovely Jubbley”

Martin Clarke

Is there a place for CombatSombo

One of the British Sombo Federation International Sambo Combat players Darren Richardson posed the question what has happened to Combat Sambo? What of the future of Sambo Combat?
First of all let me say that my style is CombatSombo not Combat Sambo in fact I was the first one to link the words together and registered the name in the UK. Until the Soviet Union collapsed every thing in the USSR was called Sambo they copied my lead by using the name Combat Sambo or Sambo Combat before that they used the name Military Sambo. There system and mine do differ in that theirs is a pragmatic self defence system based on the military, designed for military personal. There is still an obsession in the Eastern Block Countries with the Military especially in respect to Combat Training mine is based on the needs of an ordinary person to defend themselves plus it is a method of keeping fit. At the bottom of this article you will see my “CombatSombo Philosophy” my system can be taught to anyone including young children that can not be said of Combat Sambo.
CombatSombo is not big but I do have several clubs in the UK and USA training in my style. 30 years ago when I started CombatSombo I would run "Transition Courses” these were sessions organised for those Martial Artist who were already Black Belts and were doing a similar system to mine, they would attend a course and have there grade converted to CombatSombo. The idea was that they would see the benefits of my system and go out teach and promote CombatSombo; sadly I was rather naive in thinking this would work, the majority attended purely to add another Black Belt to their CV some even used it to promote new styles of their own. I have always said that you should not advertise your grade if you no longer practise that style, to maintain your Black Belt in CombatSombo you must be a member and be involved in the discipline. Some of those who were graded went away and started clubs outside the control of the BCSA, this is one thing I had foreseen hence the reason I registered the name” CombatSombo” as a Service Mark with the Trades Marks Registry. This was to protect my style and its beliefs and on more then one occasion I have had to back this up with Solicitors letters and threats of court action, CombatSombo is very dear to me.
CombatSombo continues to flourish last year two students graded to 1st Degree Black Belt at the Summer Camp and I continue to do Camcorder Grading’s all over the World, with Hip and Knee replaced I hope to be able to do more courses myself something I have not been able to do for 6 years.

Darren has a lot of interest in Sambo Combat this is a sport very popular in the Eastern Block Countries and is an extension to Sambo Wrestling. You wear Sambo attire plus headgear, Mitts and shin and instep, the scoring is the same as Sambo but you are allowed to kick and punch to get knockouts. As I said it very popular in the eastern block countries and the World Championships in liked with the Sambo, it is certainly spectacular and exciting. Mainly like Cage Fighting it is very violent as it allows full Contact Kicks, Punches to the head and the groin, on the floor it also allows punches to the head as of yet no UK fighter has won a an International Match although a few have tried. Some of our UK competitors asked if I could start arranging matches in the UK, so my first thing was to organise insurance, the rules of the International Body were not acceptable to any UK based Insurance companies, so I had to develop a watered down version of the rules and this took years before an insurance company would consider them. Eventually I came up with a set of rules that were acceptable i.e. Strikes to head gear and body only, no strikes to joints or groin area, no strikes to head while on the ground and I had to change the name to distance myself from Sambo Combat and I now use the name Sport CombatSombo, sadly after all that work there is no demand.

Darren asked the question is there a future for CombatSombo? Most certainly, once I return you will see a massive growth, Future for Sport CombatSombo this I am not to sure about I believe it will be used as a training tool to improve CombatSombo Students technique but as Competitive sport only time will tell. Combat Sambo or Sambo Combat I doubt it has any future as an amateur sport for several reason 1) It will be very hard to get insurance cover 2) Because of its extreme dangerous nature I do not think will appeal to those who have regular work 3) I also believe that unless you are extremely fit you could be faced with extreme injuries 4) Vigorous Doctors checks will be needed to prevent potential fatality. If Sambo Combat accepted my rules it may have a chance as an amateur sport. As a professional sport Sambo Combat could become a spectator sport like Cage Fighting but how many would want train full time?

I do realise there is a need for Grappling and Striking to become one and I believe I have found the answer in Pankration they have several styles and the one that interests me is the Semi Contact version, this where you score points for kicks, punches and throws yet only touch contact to the head with a kick to finish you go for a submission. Pankration is a well respected Combat Discipline from ancient Greece and if any Striking/Grappling is to make Olympic Status it will be this. Out of all the grappling sports Sambo is the one I prefer as for Sambo Combat I will enjoy watching that is all.

Martin Clarke

CombatSombo Philosophy

As you can see by my cv which is enclosed I have been involved in the Martial Arts/Combat Disciplines since the age of 5 (1955) 55 years all told. I have always enjoyed the competitive side of Combat and I have won medals at international and national level at Judo, Sombo, Jiu Jitsu and Free Style Wrestling. I have also been a keen advocate of the Founder of Judo Jigaro Kano, in one of books he made the following statement “Judo is more than just a sport or Martial Art, it is a means of Physical and Cultural Attainment” in other words “it is a way of producing better human beings” I apply this philosophy to all my Martial Arts and Combat Disciplines. Grappling sports I feel help you achieve this by teaching us such simple things as:

Respect (all grapplers have respect for there opponent, note I use the word opponent not enemy, they may not always realise it)
Duty of care (this is a must as if some of the techniques are very dangerous that we could damage our opponent. This is not we trying to do we are trying to win but not at the expense of an injury).
To abide by the rules (competitions have rules not only to keep the activity as safe as possible but to make contest equal)

In my CombatSombo system I try and introduce people to a Self Defence system that has a set of morals. Unlike other systems I advocate control and restraint. My aim is not to turn people into Barbaric Animals with no consideration for others. After saying all this I am a practical man, I realise that self-defence has different degrees. Dealing with a drunk is different to dealing with several assailants with weapons. Although my system teaches techniques that can maim, they are only to be used in extreme cases. Remember no one has the right to cause life long disablement to another human being.

To do CombatSombo you need to be healthy and fit, we encourage our members to take regular excise and grapple on a regular basis. To understand any self-defence you need to practise in as near real situation as you get. To advise any one to get involved in a Pub fight to test their techniques would be immoral and irresponsible, so the nearest I can offer is some sort of controlled fighting, i.e. CombatSombo Wrestling, Boxing, Kickboxing. Remember there is no easy route to becoming a proficient CombatSombo Practitioner.

CombatSombo is a Self Defence system with a HEART

Sunday, March 21, 2010



Can I remind you all that membership is due March 28th your will find on the www. Budo-ibf.co.uk the application form, you will notice I have the membership fee the same as last year even though the Insurance premium has increased and if you live in England & Wales for your £26 you get membership to all associations.
With in the next week I will have all details of insurance on the Web couple of things which may interest you:
1) I hope to Professional Indemnity for Coaches increased to £5 million
2) In the past your PI Insurance only covered you while coaching the above association’s members. I have negotiated an extra cover for what we call Commercial Coach and this covers you to coach any one this will be an extra £60 per year but is a good price if you coach people from other organisations.
3) The Insurance only covered your club if it had 100% above association membership with an allowance beginners were allowed to train for the first 4 weeks with out being members but all occasional visitors had to be members. To get round this I offered Recreational membership this is no long on offer as Commercial Coach give you PI Insurance for the occasional visitors. Occasional Visitor is just that someone who attends on a regular basis must join
4) You must keep a record of any one attending a class members and non members I.e. name, address. I also suggest you keep a record of every lesson. The Insurance Company have asked me to administer this so I will ask for checks.
Can I remind you about the British Sombo in April I need your support, IBF Multi Nation Judo in May the Dutch will bring 80 competitors, Germany 30, Poland 40 plus the Dutch will be bringing their computerised Tournament organiser. Summer Camp is our normal one plus a separate Jiu Jitsu course, this is for adults and juniors at senior school remember book in before end of April there is a £50 discount.

News from SMAC

Swale Martial Arts Club
127 East Street

Dear Members
I am pleased to say that Swale Borough Council has continued help us by giving 100% Business Rate Relief as I have mentioned before if we had to pay would have cost us over £6000 per annum something we could not afford and could seen the closure of the Club so a big thank you to Swale Borough Council . Martin Clarke has formed an organisation called GrapplingUK which will be using our facilities in the future, this should help us financially.
So far this year we have had the Young Judo Club championships with approx 50 entries not the best participation numbers so next year we will revert to a Sunday, the European Pankration President visited the club and gave a seminar, plus we have had 2 Sombo squad training sessions so we are getting some good weekend use especially on a Sunday, the Karate session on a Saturday continues to be successful but we still have Wednesday and Friday night empty plus week day time.
Now Martin has had his hip operation he will teaching and starting 2 new classes: Monday night Sombo/CombatSombo 7.30 pm , Thursday Pankration 7.30pm both classes will be for Juniors and Seniors with Seniors having an extra ½ hour at the end of each session so they can compete with each other.
John Clarke 5th Dan will be back teaching Juniors Judo on a Tuesday at 7.30pm this will help the youngsters because John has 30 years of competition experience as a junior and senior. John is trying to get together a course for Ladies Self defence.
Can I remind you all that membership is due April 1st 2010 which includes membership to the International Budo Federation, remember no membership no insurance no training.
Let us all remember the British Sombo Open April 11th, IBF Multi Nation Judo championships May 15th and the IBF Summer Camp August 22nd this now includes juniors who are at senior school.
Sittingbourne Judo Society has moved back to the Academy of Sport & Movement at Milton Regis next to Nobbys Gym on a Wednesday
Bredgar Young Judo Club continues go from strength to strength on a Thursday at Bredgar village Hall
Finally would anyone be interested in doing Power Chi Yoga or Aerobics during the day?
Useful Contacts: Sombo, Pankration ibfbcsa@googlemail.com Young Judo club youngjudoclub@googlemail.com Bredgar young judo club marcellacullen@rocketmail.com
Karate Paul.Sargent@axa-im.com Judo john_clarke73@hotmail.co.uk Aerobics/Power Chi-yoga
anthonywhitby@hotmail.co.uk Sittingbourne Judo Society link2zelda2001@yahoo.co.uk

Rare footage of Kenshiro Abbe

You will find attached some rare footage of Kenshiro Abbe 8th Dan he was a very popular Japanese Sensei in the 1960’s and had a massive following. Both my mother and father were graded by him in fact my mothers Dan Grade Certificate was one of a few he done Japanese by his own hand, that was in 1962. I met him on several occasions but was only about 12 years old so to me he was just a Japanese Judoka; the film is interesting for that what was expected of Judoka in those days. Most was done from a static position and relied on a good UKE watching his Kaeshi Waza counter throws several of them are not mechanically correct and relied a lot on his UKE throwing himself, if you take yourself time and study the video you may spot some of the mistakes if you can not then just enjoy the film

Pankration Course

Sittingbourne March 12th 2010

When Martin Clarke was at the World Sambo Championships in Greece last years members of the International Pankration Federation ask him if he would start a section Great Britain. Although participation in Martial Arts in the UK is at an all time low, he reckoned there would be a change of Government in 2010 and the whole country would pick up .

Brief Summary of PANKRATION

The word Pankration is a Greek word which translated means "all powers" or "all powerful", both are acceptable translations by Greek scholars. Pankration was a sporting event in the ancient Greek Olympic games that was first introduced in the games of 648 BC. The rules of the sport were simple, no biting or eye gouging and victory was secured through knockout, submission or death. The historical records of the early Pankration are shrouded and mixed with Greek mythology and it is not known whether these accounts of championship bouts and feats of strength of the champions were myth or actual accounts

Modern Pankration is divided into 4 sections a)Striking and Grappling Full Contact b) Striking and Grappling Semi Contact c) Grappling d) Demonstration. The UK will be concentrating on B and C.

B)Striking and Grappling Semi contact for this you wear trouser similar to Judo Trousers and a tight T shirt, you score points by throwing your opponent, kicking. Punching your opponent to the body and making a controlled Kick (touch only) to the head. You can finish the match by gaining a submission on the ground with Arm lock, Leg lock, Ankle Lock, Strangle or Choke. A match between two fighters is referred to as an Agon

c) Grappling the rules are the same accept there is no kicking and punching and for Juniors there are no submissions. The competitors wear a White or Blue Endyma (uniform) and the Hellanodikis (Referee) wears Red Endyma.

The course was given by the European President Evangelos Koutras, he started the course by stating why they had asked Martin Clarke to represent them in the UK , he said the answer was simple Martin was known throughout the World for his expertise in Grappling especially Judo and Sombo’
Most of the course was given over to the History of the Sport, followed by the rules which all have to be given in Greek at the end everyone had a go at sparring which was a great success. The Course was a great Success and we have made a date for our first PankrationUK British Championships to be held at Sittingbourne on July 4th

Martin Clarke has introduced many different styles of Combat to the UK and all have started in his home town of Sittingbourne, he introduced Judo, Free Style Wrestling, Sombo, CombatSombo, Kurash, Belt Wrestling, Sport CombatSombo, Jacket Wrestling, Submission Wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, Atemi Jitsu, Shiai Jutsu and now Pankration. Sittingbourne means Martial Arts, Grappling and the Clarke Family.

Anyone interested in what we do in Sittingbourne go to www. Sittingbourne.org or ibfbcsa@googlemail.com

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Martin Coynes Youtube

Paste in the lnk below see some Youtube Videos of Folkestone Open Judo and last years British Sombo


Friday, March 12, 2010

Folkestone Open

Folkestone Judo Open
March 7th 2010
Folkestone Sports Centre, Radnor Park
Colin Carrott of the Spitfire Judo Club Capel Le Ferne organised this very successful event. The event was to show of his new Judo he has just purchased with help from the Kent Community Foundation. Why new mats? Two reason one the old ones were becoming damaged and dangerous, two the International Judo Federation has changed the demarcation areas for competition and with Colin being the for most Judo and Sombo events organiser in that part of Kent it was essential to get new mats. The last two years has seen a dramatic drop in people participating in Judo so much so that towns that used have several clubs now have none but the Folkestone Open bucked the trend with 150 entries a good turn out. The new fighting areas were enthusiastically welcomed the new IJF rules were not, these new Judo rules have caused dismay throughout the world with lots of Judoka moving to other grappling sports, Colin done the sensible thing called the referees together to discuss them and those that were controversial were left out, some techniques that were valid on December30th 2009 would now get you disqualified. This decision is why I believe the tournament was such a success, well done Colin.
The Senior Competition saw some excellent Judo with some high class club players participating and it was surprising to see so many Veteran Judo Players participating and these were not Judoka who have been practising for years but new people who have just started. Veteran Sports have been a major growth industry with youngsters turning their heads away for Sports Participation preferring to be a spectator a generation of couch potatoes; people over 30 years of age are becoming the main stay of sport.
Clubs and officials from as far as Nottingham, Bedford, East Anglia as well as clubs from Kent participated; officials were supplied by the International Budo Federation
Colin has a lot more planned for the future he intends running Pankration & Sport CombatSombo Classes at his Dojo at Capel Le Ferne, as well as running tournaments at the Dojo in Sport CombatSombo, Pankration, Submission Wrestling and Jacket Wrestling and he is also looking to run the English Open Sambo Wrestling Championships in December at the Folkestone Leisure Centre.
Colin Carrott is a man on a mission lets all get behind him and make sure it is a successful one
The fighter of the day had to be Paul Bishbrown Faversham J C

Sittingbourne & Bredgar YOUNG JUDO CLUB
The club went through a difficult time last year but things are looking up for 2010 we came back with a medal haul 0f 20 putting 2nd in the medal table only one behind the host club Spitfire. It is always difficult to mention individual when you have a large medal haul but it was pleasing to see one of our bigger girls Lauren Allen winning Gold, the club has always had good female players but in latter years the older ones seemed to have dropped of hopefully Lauren will keep the flag flying. Although not in the medals 16 year old Jamie Mazetti had an extremely good day he was fighting Men’s u71k in the hardest event and with some of the best players in the County. He beat previous IBF National Champion Kieran Daniels 2nd Dan Black Belt and went to extra time with Daniel Diamond 2nd Dan also a previous National Champion before being beaten a great future for the boy.
YJC members are of to Ingelmunster Belgium this weekend to take part in a Major International
Anyone interested in Judo should telephone 01795 437124 ibfbcsa@googlemail.com www.youngjudoclub.co.uk

Full results at BUDO-IBF.CO.UK

Coach proved Innocent

For 10 months I have been reporting on how a well known Martial arts Coach has been accused of inappropriate behaviour with a minor something which supposedly happened 35 years ago. My concern was that the anyone can make a spurious accusation and the Coach has to prove his innocence! What happened to innocent till proven guilty? This Coach was banned from his own club by the governing body. Well I am pleased to say the Police have come back after 10 months stating the Coach has no case to answer to. I can not give his name because believe it or not he still has to appear before the Governing Body Complaints Committee (Kangaroo Court). I have known this Coach for 45 years and have never doubted his innocence and can not wait to tell the full story

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

World Judo Champion at Faversham

This is a Great Chance for you to train with a World Champion, IBF Faversham Judo Club are hosting this event at the ridiculous price of £5 an event not to be missed

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Summer Jiu Jitsu

TOM Starling 7th Dan Jiu Jitsu

Summer Camp August


Monday, March 08, 2010

Good News from Greg

Yes Excellent News I reported last week that Greg was closing the last remaining Young Judo Club in Bexley, the first was opened by Nobby Clarke in 1963. Well Greg has found some one to help him that is Mark Vint. Mark was a very successful under 21 fighter and with his enthusiasm and Gregs experience I can see a new dawning for YJC Bexley

Folkestone Open

Folkestone Judo Open
March 7th 2010
Folkestone Sports Centre, Radnor Park
Colin Carrott of the Spitfire Judo Club Capel Le Ferne organised this very successful event. The event was to show of his new Judo he has just purchased with help from the Kent Community Foundation. Why new mats? Two reason one the old ones were becoming damaged and dangerous, two the International Judo Federation has changed the demarcation areas for competition and with Colin being the for most Judo and Sombo events organiser in that part of Kent it was essential to get new mats. The last two years has seen a dramatic drop in people participating in Judo so much so that towns that used have several clubs now have none but the Folkestone Open bucked the trend with 150 entries a good turn out. The new fighting areas were enthusiastically welcomed the new IJF rules were not, these new Judo rules have caused dismay throughout the world with lots of Judoka moving to other grappling sports, Colin done the sensible thing called the referees together to discuss them and those that were controversial were left out, some techniques that were valid on December30th 2009 would now get you disqualified. This decision is why I believe the tournament was such a success, well done Colin.
The Senior Competition saw some excellent Judo with some high class club players participating and it was surprising to see so many Veteran Judo Players participating and these were not Judoka who have been practising for years but new people who have just started. Veteran Sports have been a major growth industry with youngsters turning their heads away for Sports Participation preferring to be a spectator a generation of couch potatoes; people over 30 years of age are becoming the main stay of sport.
Clubs and officials from as far as Nottingham, Bedford, East Anglia as well as clubs from Kent participated; officials were supplied by the International Budo Federation
Colin has a lot more planned for the future he intends running Pankration & Sport CombatSombo Classes at his Dojo at Capel Le Ferne, as well as running tournaments at the Dojo in Sport CombatSombo, Pankration, Submission Wrestling and Jacket Wrestling and he is also looking to run the English Open Sambo Wrestling Championships in December at the Folkestone Leisure Centre.
Colin Carrott is a man on a mission lets all get behind him and make sure it is a successful one

Contact Colin 01303 250 166 http://spitfire-judo-grappling-club.com/ .

Friday, March 05, 2010

Kata with Trevor Davies & Greg Garside

Hello to you all.

On the Sunday the 18th of April Trevor and Greg are running a Nage No Kata course in Faversham from 10am till 4pm the cost £20.
Anyone wishing to be examined to Dan grade has to demonstrate Nage No Kata. All Dan Grading are at summer camp. I would also suggest all Instructors attend to keep their own standards up to scratch.
Trevor Number 07775698568 to book in.

Many Thanks
John Clarke
5th Dan and Chairman of the IBF UK Judo Commitee

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Folkestone Judo @YJC Bexley

Colin Carrotts Folkestone Open Judo Championships this Sunday is going great guns so far he has 150 entries on an event where we were expecting 80 players, Keith Costa tells me he will be running the Garden of England Judo Championships in November in Sittingbourne but this year he will be using accumalative rules ie 1pt Koka 2pts Yuko 5pt Waza ari and 10pt Ippon first one to 10pts and more importantly he will be using Pre 2009 rules With the IBF Multi Nations in May "2nd Battle of Hastings" to enter all you need is an IBF license. So maybe Judo is picking up.


Nobby Clarke IBF UK first President and founder of then Young Judo Club Bexley started in Bexley in the early 1960's and from the YJC Bexley he produced the UK's foremost Olympic Coach Alan Roberts 6th Dan, with the death of Brian Stening last year Greg Garside has been left to keep the YJC going and with diminshing numbers and the fact he recieves no help he is relcutantly closing the club down at the end of March. The death of an era, as President of the Young Judo Club I would like to thank greg for all the work he has done on behalf of the YJC I realise these last few years have been hard work lets hope he does not become a stranger