Sombo Wrestling Introduction Course
Warriors Grappling Academy
Swale Martial Arts Club
February 17th 2008
It has been many years since we have had a Sombo wrestling Course at the club due to the fact that Grandmaster Martin Clarke who took all the courses has been forced into retirement with bad hip and knee injury. His son John British Team Captain and Colin Carrott World Masters bronze medallist have taken over his mantle and organise plus taught at this course. The course drew people from all over the country and with one of the Countries Martial Arts Magazine taking an interest in Sombo by publishing articles on the sport we are seeing an upsurge in interest. From this course we had enquiries to organise the same in Bedford, London and Nottingham in all a very successful weekend. The next big event on the Sombo calendar is the British Open held on Easter Sunday at the swallows leisure centre Sittingbourne
For further information on Sombo go http://www.britishsombo.co.uk/ or IBFBCSA@yahoo.co.uk
More Photo’s of the course got http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/IBFBCSA/SomboCourse2008
Warriors Grappling Academy
Swale Martial Arts Club
February 17th 2008
It has been many years since we have had a Sombo wrestling Course at the club due to the fact that Grandmaster Martin Clarke who took all the courses has been forced into retirement with bad hip and knee injury. His son John British Team Captain and Colin Carrott World Masters bronze medallist have taken over his mantle and organise plus taught at this course. The course drew people from all over the country and with one of the Countries Martial Arts Magazine taking an interest in Sombo by publishing articles on the sport we are seeing an upsurge in interest. From this course we had enquiries to organise the same in Bedford, London and Nottingham in all a very successful weekend. The next big event on the Sombo calendar is the British Open held on Easter Sunday at the swallows leisure centre Sittingbourne
For further information on Sombo go http://www.britishsombo.co.uk/ or IBFBCSA@yahoo.co.uk
More Photo’s of the course got http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/IBFBCSA/SomboCourse2008