Young Judo Club a Club without a CLUB MARK win in Scotland
Members of the Young Judo Club Sittingbourne based at Swale Martial Arts Club Sittingbourne travel to Dumfries Scotland for our annual pilgrimage to the IBF Scottish Open. This year just three competitors competed from the YJC the financial troubles of the World do not make accept ions for Judoka, the three were 10 year old Liam Jordan , 17 year old Jamie Mazetti and 23 year old Danny Carrott. The reason I have quoted their age is that a couple of weeks ago I was criticised by the PE Mistress of St Peters School because I believed that her school should do more to encourage her children to join clubs as School Judo is limited, the three players I have mentioned are proof of my belief each one of them started Judo at about 6 years of age and in Danny’s case still with us at 22 an impossible thing in a School especially a Primary School. The Young Judo Club was founded in 1957; 53 years of producing Judoka and a Club that doesn’t have the controversial CLUB MARK.
Liam Jordan one of our lightest Judoka was once again on Gold winning form beating his opposition in tremendous form, Liam was accompanied by mum Sarah who also helped out as an official. Danny Carrott 3rd Dan was favourite to win Gold in the Men’s under 90k but his fight with Danny Roberts from Scotland proved to be extremely hard last year Carrott beat Roberts but at the end of this years match they were both equal and the match went to extra time Carrott attacked Roberts with a powerful hip throw only to be countered but Carrott gymnastic qualities stopped Roberts scoring but popped two of Carrott Ribs putting him pout of the tournament. Danny Roberts went on to win the u90k class beating 17 year old YJC member Jamie Marzetti in the final. Jamie also won gold in the Young Men’s event. Several YJC members helped officiate and David Wellsman was awarded a special trophy for his help, David was a successful Junior Judoka but has always moaned that he can not see a photo of himself on the Club wall well now we a picture of him receiving a Judo Award.
The event was organised by IBF Scottish Rep Robin Hyslop 4th Dan although it was not the best turn out it was still better then numbers we are getting in the South. Well done Robin and we look forward to attending next year
If some bureaucrats have their way clubs like the Young Judo Club will forced to close if they do not get a Club Mark lets hope the Coalition government have the sense to scrap the Club Mark and save money
Martin Clarke
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Summer Camp News
After a shaky start people have started to book in, what has excited me is the fact for the first time at the camp I have allowed Juniors 11 years to 15 years to participate and we have to date 12 juniors on the course. Although supervised the juniors will be participating in the full course quite a growing up experience for them. Seniors as expected are down but we hope to have really enjoyable course, there are still plenty of spaces on the course book in advance juniors £200, seniors £250 book on the day £275, those wishing to attend daily and not sleep it is £50 a day.
Good news from Tom Starling 7th Dan is that he will now be staying at the camp and offering C&R and Kobudo, he will bring a few Boken down with him and other practice weapons, so people need not worry about having to purchase any weapons. However, if anyone has their own sword and they want to learn how to use it please bring it with them for Iai-Jutsu practice and start of our Jiu-Jitsu IBF New Iai-Jutsu Kata & Syllabus. He will be also bringing manuals with him of the Jiu-Jitsu IBF syllabus.
I am also pleased to say that since my Hip and Knee have been replaced I will be teaching Sombo/Sambo, CombatSombo and MMA SportCS. Those who wish to do MMA SportCS should bring MMA Gloves and Shin & Instep,
If you want to know more contact me Martin Clarke
After a shaky start people have started to book in, what has excited me is the fact for the first time at the camp I have allowed Juniors 11 years to 15 years to participate and we have to date 12 juniors on the course. Although supervised the juniors will be participating in the full course quite a growing up experience for them. Seniors as expected are down but we hope to have really enjoyable course, there are still plenty of spaces on the course book in advance juniors £200, seniors £250 book on the day £275, those wishing to attend daily and not sleep it is £50 a day.
Good news from Tom Starling 7th Dan is that he will now be staying at the camp and offering C&R and Kobudo, he will bring a few Boken down with him and other practice weapons, so people need not worry about having to purchase any weapons. However, if anyone has their own sword and they want to learn how to use it please bring it with them for Iai-Jutsu practice and start of our Jiu-Jitsu IBF New Iai-Jutsu Kata & Syllabus. He will be also bringing manuals with him of the Jiu-Jitsu IBF syllabus.
I am also pleased to say that since my Hip and Knee have been replaced I will be teaching Sombo/Sambo, CombatSombo and MMA SportCS. Those who wish to do MMA SportCS should bring MMA Gloves and Shin & Instep,
If you want to know more contact me Martin Clarke
Thursday, July 22, 2010
CombatSombo Wrestling/FreeStyle Sombo
The BCSA are thinking of running a CombatSombo Wrestling/FreeStyle Sombo event in Dumfires in Novemebr the event will be split into two Jacket Form and No Jacket Form what we are after is to see whether there will be a demand for this event.
CombatSombo Wrestling/FreeStyle Sombo was first introduced about 15 years ago to encourage Judo players to try SomboThe rules are very simular to Sombo with the exception Strangles are allowed and submissions can be gained in a standing position, to accomadate the Submission wrestlers we will run a No Jacket event where players wear just Red or Blue shorts plus Sombo Shoes (optional)
Contact BCSA if you are interested
Rules can be found at
CombatSombo Wrestling/FreeStyle Sombo was first introduced about 15 years ago to encourage Judo players to try SomboThe rules are very simular to Sombo with the exception Strangles are allowed and submissions can be gained in a standing position, to accomadate the Submission wrestlers we will run a No Jacket event where players wear just Red or Blue shorts plus Sombo Shoes (optional)
Contact BCSA if you are interested
Rules can be found at
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Is This Sombo History
Interesting article from the Net
Every SOMBO practitioner winces when a well meaning martial arts savant describes SOMBO as Russian judo, or better yet, Russian combat judo.
That is akin to describing karate as western boxing but with kicks. There is a relationship, of course, but more like third cousins thrice removed.
The founders of SOMBO sifted deliberately through all of the world’s martial arts to augment their military’s hand-to-hand combat system. One of these men, Vasili Oshchepkov, taught judo and karate to elite Red Army forces at the Central Red Army House. He had earned his nidan (second degree black belt) from judo’s founder, Jigaro Kano, and used some of the Osensei’s philosophy in formulating the early development of the new Russian art.
SOMBO, however, was born of native Russian and other regional styles of grappling and combat wrestling bolstered with the most useful and adaptable concepts and techniques from the rest of the world. As the unfortunate buffer between Europe and Asia, Russia had more than ample opportunities to sift through the martial skills of various invaders. Earlier Russians had experienced threats from the Vikings in the west and the Tatars and Genghis Khan’s Golden Horde from Mongolia in the east. The regional, native combat systems included in SOMBO’s genesis are Tuvin kuresh, Yakuts khapsagay, Chuvash akatuy, Georgian chidaoba, Moldavian trinte, Azeri kokh, and Uzbek kurash to name a few. The foreign influences included Dutch Self-Defense (a European version of Javanese Pentjak Silat), various styles of Catch-as Catch-Can wrestling, savate, muay thai, wu shu, jujitsu, and other martial arts of the day plus the classical Olympic sports of boxing, Greco-Roman and free-style wrestling. SOMBO even derived lunging and parrying techniques from fencing. Fencing was included in this list because SOMBO’s founders recognized that swordsmanship and unarmed combat have been linked throughout the ages. The samurai of feudal Japan needed their jujitsu for the occasions when they did not wish to harm an opponent, or when they themselves were unfortunately swordless on the battlefield. Fencing concepts such as the lunge had already been incorporated into savate to increase the art’s striking distances.
SOMBO’s early development stemmed from the independent efforts of Oshchepkov and another Russian, Victor Spiridonov, to integrate the techniques of judo into native wrestling styles. Both men hoped that the Soviet wrestling styles could be improved by an infusion of the newfangled techniques distilled from jujitsu by Kano into his new style of jacket wrestling.
In 1918, V. Lenin created Vseobuch (Bceobshchee voennoye obuchienie or General Military Training) under the leadership of N.I. Podovoyskiy to train the Red Army. The task of developing and organizing Russian military hand-to-hand combat training fell to K. Voroshilov, who in turn, created the NKVD physical training center, “Dinamo.” Spiridonov was a combat veteran of World War I, and one of the first wrestling and self-defense instructors hired for Dinamo. His background included Greco-Roman wrestling, American Catch-as-Catch-Can wrestling, Pankration, and many Slavic wrestling styles. As a “combatives investigator” for Dinamo, he traveled to Mongolia, China, and India to observe their native fighting styles. In 1923, Oshchepkov and Spiridinov collaborated with a team of other experts on a grant from the Soviet government to improve the Red Army’s hand-to-hand combat system. Spiridonov had envisioned integrating all of the world’s fighting systems into one comprehensive style that could adapt to any threat.
Oshchepkov had observed Kano’s distillation of Tenjin Shin’yo Ryu jujitsu and Kito Ryu jujitsu into judo, and he had developed the insight required to evaluate and integrate combative techniques into a new system. Their development team was supplemented by Anatoly Kharlampiev and I.V. Vasiliev who also traveled the globe to study the native fighting arts of the world. Ten years in the making, their catalogue of techniques was instrumental in formulating the early framework of the art to be eventually referred to as SOMBO. Here, Oshchepkov and Spiridonov’s improvements in Russian wrestling slipped into the military’s hand-to-hand-combat system.
Kharlampiev is often called the father of SOMBO. This may be largely semantics since only he had the longevity and political connections to remain with the art while the new system was called “SAM” or “SAMOZ” or “SAMBA” and finally “SAMBO/SOMBO.” Spiridonov was the first to actually begin referring to the new system as one of the “S” variations cited above. He eventually developed a softer, more “aikido-like” system called SAMOZ that could be used by smaller, weaker practitioners or even wounded soldiers and secret agents. Spiridonov’s inspiration to develop SAMOZ stemmed from an injury that he suffered that greatly restricted his ability to practice SOMBO or wrestling. Refined versions of SAMOZ are still used today or fused with specific SOMBO applications to meet the needs of Russian commandos today.
Each technique for SOMBO was carefully dissected and considered for its merits, and if found acceptable in unarmed combat, refined to reach SOMBO’s ultimate goal: stop an armed or unarmed adversary in the least time possible. Thus, the best techniques of jujitsu and its softer cousin, judo, entered the SOMBO repertoire. When the techniques were perfected, they were woven into SOMBO applications for personal self-defense, police, crowd control, border guards, secret police, dignitary protection, psychiatric hospital staff, military, and commandos.
These applications were often further subdivided. SOMBO devoted particular time to developing teamwork in the police and internal security applications. It was crucial that officers and agents not work against each other while arresting dangerous fugitives or spies. SOMBO designed and rehearsed rescue tactics for comrades being attacked by armed or unarmed assailants. It was important that the rescuer act quickly, but not worsen the situation with his efforts. Here again, teamwork enhanced tactics. If the victim were also trained in the rescue tactics, he could aid his rescuer in effecting his escape.
Many applications had specific situational or occupational techniques. For example, there is a series of techniques to be used by bureaucrats and other officials who might be attacked while working at their desks. Particular emphasis was paid to using the environment (i.e. using the desk, the chair, or even a pen) as both weapon and shield.
Ironically, the military applications developed defensive techniques against weapons that quickly became offensive techniques with the same weapons when they were stripped away from their attackers. A partial inventory of this weapon training includes bayonet fencing, clubs, knives, handguns, and unconventional weapons such as entrenching tools, hats, jackets, and chairs.
yellowyellow Accessibility & Site map © Martial Arts Register
Every SOMBO practitioner winces when a well meaning martial arts savant describes SOMBO as Russian judo, or better yet, Russian combat judo.
That is akin to describing karate as western boxing but with kicks. There is a relationship, of course, but more like third cousins thrice removed.
The founders of SOMBO sifted deliberately through all of the world’s martial arts to augment their military’s hand-to-hand combat system. One of these men, Vasili Oshchepkov, taught judo and karate to elite Red Army forces at the Central Red Army House. He had earned his nidan (second degree black belt) from judo’s founder, Jigaro Kano, and used some of the Osensei’s philosophy in formulating the early development of the new Russian art.
SOMBO, however, was born of native Russian and other regional styles of grappling and combat wrestling bolstered with the most useful and adaptable concepts and techniques from the rest of the world. As the unfortunate buffer between Europe and Asia, Russia had more than ample opportunities to sift through the martial skills of various invaders. Earlier Russians had experienced threats from the Vikings in the west and the Tatars and Genghis Khan’s Golden Horde from Mongolia in the east. The regional, native combat systems included in SOMBO’s genesis are Tuvin kuresh, Yakuts khapsagay, Chuvash akatuy, Georgian chidaoba, Moldavian trinte, Azeri kokh, and Uzbek kurash to name a few. The foreign influences included Dutch Self-Defense (a European version of Javanese Pentjak Silat), various styles of Catch-as Catch-Can wrestling, savate, muay thai, wu shu, jujitsu, and other martial arts of the day plus the classical Olympic sports of boxing, Greco-Roman and free-style wrestling. SOMBO even derived lunging and parrying techniques from fencing. Fencing was included in this list because SOMBO’s founders recognized that swordsmanship and unarmed combat have been linked throughout the ages. The samurai of feudal Japan needed their jujitsu for the occasions when they did not wish to harm an opponent, or when they themselves were unfortunately swordless on the battlefield. Fencing concepts such as the lunge had already been incorporated into savate to increase the art’s striking distances.
SOMBO’s early development stemmed from the independent efforts of Oshchepkov and another Russian, Victor Spiridonov, to integrate the techniques of judo into native wrestling styles. Both men hoped that the Soviet wrestling styles could be improved by an infusion of the newfangled techniques distilled from jujitsu by Kano into his new style of jacket wrestling.
In 1918, V. Lenin created Vseobuch (Bceobshchee voennoye obuchienie or General Military Training) under the leadership of N.I. Podovoyskiy to train the Red Army. The task of developing and organizing Russian military hand-to-hand combat training fell to K. Voroshilov, who in turn, created the NKVD physical training center, “Dinamo.” Spiridonov was a combat veteran of World War I, and one of the first wrestling and self-defense instructors hired for Dinamo. His background included Greco-Roman wrestling, American Catch-as-Catch-Can wrestling, Pankration, and many Slavic wrestling styles. As a “combatives investigator” for Dinamo, he traveled to Mongolia, China, and India to observe their native fighting styles. In 1923, Oshchepkov and Spiridinov collaborated with a team of other experts on a grant from the Soviet government to improve the Red Army’s hand-to-hand combat system. Spiridonov had envisioned integrating all of the world’s fighting systems into one comprehensive style that could adapt to any threat.
Oshchepkov had observed Kano’s distillation of Tenjin Shin’yo Ryu jujitsu and Kito Ryu jujitsu into judo, and he had developed the insight required to evaluate and integrate combative techniques into a new system. Their development team was supplemented by Anatoly Kharlampiev and I.V. Vasiliev who also traveled the globe to study the native fighting arts of the world. Ten years in the making, their catalogue of techniques was instrumental in formulating the early framework of the art to be eventually referred to as SOMBO. Here, Oshchepkov and Spiridonov’s improvements in Russian wrestling slipped into the military’s hand-to-hand-combat system.
Kharlampiev is often called the father of SOMBO. This may be largely semantics since only he had the longevity and political connections to remain with the art while the new system was called “SAM” or “SAMOZ” or “SAMBA” and finally “SAMBO/SOMBO.” Spiridonov was the first to actually begin referring to the new system as one of the “S” variations cited above. He eventually developed a softer, more “aikido-like” system called SAMOZ that could be used by smaller, weaker practitioners or even wounded soldiers and secret agents. Spiridonov’s inspiration to develop SAMOZ stemmed from an injury that he suffered that greatly restricted his ability to practice SOMBO or wrestling. Refined versions of SAMOZ are still used today or fused with specific SOMBO applications to meet the needs of Russian commandos today.
Each technique for SOMBO was carefully dissected and considered for its merits, and if found acceptable in unarmed combat, refined to reach SOMBO’s ultimate goal: stop an armed or unarmed adversary in the least time possible. Thus, the best techniques of jujitsu and its softer cousin, judo, entered the SOMBO repertoire. When the techniques were perfected, they were woven into SOMBO applications for personal self-defense, police, crowd control, border guards, secret police, dignitary protection, psychiatric hospital staff, military, and commandos.
These applications were often further subdivided. SOMBO devoted particular time to developing teamwork in the police and internal security applications. It was crucial that officers and agents not work against each other while arresting dangerous fugitives or spies. SOMBO designed and rehearsed rescue tactics for comrades being attacked by armed or unarmed assailants. It was important that the rescuer act quickly, but not worsen the situation with his efforts. Here again, teamwork enhanced tactics. If the victim were also trained in the rescue tactics, he could aid his rescuer in effecting his escape.
Many applications had specific situational or occupational techniques. For example, there is a series of techniques to be used by bureaucrats and other officials who might be attacked while working at their desks. Particular emphasis was paid to using the environment (i.e. using the desk, the chair, or even a pen) as both weapon and shield.
Ironically, the military applications developed defensive techniques against weapons that quickly became offensive techniques with the same weapons when they were stripped away from their attackers. A partial inventory of this weapon training includes bayonet fencing, clubs, knives, handguns, and unconventional weapons such as entrenching tools, hats, jackets, and chairs.
yellowyellow Accessibility & Site map © Martial Arts Register
OutDoor Competition
Spitfire Judo Club’s
3rd. Outdoor Judo Competition
Capel Village Hall
Lancaster Avenue, Capel CT18 7LX
7th. August 2009
“Registration” 09.30am
(All Competitors Matched on the Day)
Free Burger or Hot Dog for Judo Competitors
Entrance:All Competitors £10.00
Spectators: Free
· Bar-b-q
· Bouncy Castle
· Ice Creams
· Ball Games
· Sport Combat Sambo & Pankration Exhibition Matches
3rd. Outdoor Judo Competition
Capel Village Hall
Lancaster Avenue, Capel CT18 7LX
7th. August 2009
“Registration” 09.30am
(All Competitors Matched on the Day)
Free Burger or Hot Dog for Judo Competitors
Entrance:All Competitors £10.00
Spectators: Free
· Bar-b-q
· Bouncy Castle
· Ice Creams
· Ball Games
· Sport Combat Sambo & Pankration Exhibition Matches
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
World Combat Games China
World Combat Games are to be held in Beijing China at the end of August, at this prestigious event Sambo will be on the timetable and I (Martin Clarke) as President British Sombo Federation was invited to attend on an all expenses paid basis sadly I could not attend due to a prior engagement so BSF Chairman Robin Hyslop will be in attendance, let hope he has a good time as well as working hard for the benefit of British Sombo
Con Man
Jail for scam artist who fleeced fight club of £180,000
JAILED: Paul Griffin.
POLICE have welcomed a three-year jail term for a scam-artist after a laborious and complex four-year investigation.
Paul Griffin fleeced a martial arts organisation of more than £180,000, leaving about 60,000 amateur fighters uninsured against injuries.
He was hired by Chaddesden-based Amateur Martial Arts Association to be in charge of organising insurance policies for its members.
The group provided students and instructors in karate, judo and many other martial arts across the country with insurance cover and grading exams and competitions.
Sergeant Matt Carson, who led the inquiry, said: "This was a long and laborious case to prove, so it is satisfying that the people involved now have at least some sort of sense of justice.
"One of the biggest challenges was going through all the data we received and recovered."
He said that this included all the information and details of members of the association that had been sent through to Griffin to be underwritten.
Sgt Carson said: "This was a mammoth task as all the records were held on hard copy and had to be inputted one by one and furthermore a full analysis then had to be done to see who was and wasn't covered.
"The most worrying thing about the case was that of the 63,369 members put through by the association to Griffin, 60,281 were not insured or insured correctly, which meant they had no cover at all."
During sentencing, Derby Crown Court heard that between 2001 and 2004 Mr Hibbert hired Griffin, of Essex, to take out cover for about 65,000 of the group's members.
But despite taking more than £250,000, Griffin took out insufficient covers, leaving about 95% of members uninsured.
But Tom Hibbert, 85, who set up the association 40 years ago, said all claims were met.
Mr Hibbert, of Chaddesden Lane, explained: "Sometimes Griffin would meet them. He would be deciding whether to pay out or not – after all, he had enough money to do that.
"Or I would pay out myself and ask him for a refund.
"But although we had no idea what Griffin was doing, we made sure every claim was met."
JAILED: Paul Griffin.
POLICE have welcomed a three-year jail term for a scam-artist after a laborious and complex four-year investigation.
Paul Griffin fleeced a martial arts organisation of more than £180,000, leaving about 60,000 amateur fighters uninsured against injuries.
He was hired by Chaddesden-based Amateur Martial Arts Association to be in charge of organising insurance policies for its members.
The group provided students and instructors in karate, judo and many other martial arts across the country with insurance cover and grading exams and competitions.
Sergeant Matt Carson, who led the inquiry, said: "This was a long and laborious case to prove, so it is satisfying that the people involved now have at least some sort of sense of justice.
"One of the biggest challenges was going through all the data we received and recovered."
He said that this included all the information and details of members of the association that had been sent through to Griffin to be underwritten.
Sgt Carson said: "This was a mammoth task as all the records were held on hard copy and had to be inputted one by one and furthermore a full analysis then had to be done to see who was and wasn't covered.
"The most worrying thing about the case was that of the 63,369 members put through by the association to Griffin, 60,281 were not insured or insured correctly, which meant they had no cover at all."
During sentencing, Derby Crown Court heard that between 2001 and 2004 Mr Hibbert hired Griffin, of Essex, to take out cover for about 65,000 of the group's members.
But despite taking more than £250,000, Griffin took out insufficient covers, leaving about 95% of members uninsured.
But Tom Hibbert, 85, who set up the association 40 years ago, said all claims were met.
Mr Hibbert, of Chaddesden Lane, explained: "Sometimes Griffin would meet them. He would be deciding whether to pay out or not – after all, he had enough money to do that.
"Or I would pay out myself and ask him for a refund.
"But although we had no idea what Griffin was doing, we made sure every claim was met."
Judo at its best
Watch this video Judo at its best notice the Judo Mats and make your own conclusions
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Dodgy Martial Arts
I am always warning my members about dodgy Martial Arts Organisations who claim to be all things to all men especially when it comes to Insurance. Below is a letter from Paul Griffiths which I received many months ago at the time I said :
1) I never joined but it seems I had a membership number
2) I did not know what the letter was about
3) The letter read as if it was some sort of miscarriage of Justice
That was until today I had a phone call from Derbyshire Police, they dealt with case and had him put in prison. It seems that Paul Griffiths swindled over £100,000 and could be as much as £180,000 by not placing insurance. I am told by the Police that the AMA had an agreement with this gentleman's BMNAA to place all their insurance which he did not do. Paul Griffiths had a block Insurance for his organisations which was no where near the amount of members he had and of course when the Insurance company found out his insurance was null and void. This was over a period of years hence the amount. This is not the first time I have heard of this scam and I am only reporting what was said to me and did ask the Police if I could report what the said and said yes as the man was convicted with all details in the Public Domain.
My own associations Insurance is with WWSI and I have to list the names and addresses of every member and you can see our Insurance details on with address and telephone number of the Insurance Company
please read the letter and tell me would you join his new association the MAC?
If you cannot enlarge this go to

1) I never joined but it seems I had a membership number
2) I did not know what the letter was about
3) The letter read as if it was some sort of miscarriage of Justice
That was until today I had a phone call from Derbyshire Police, they dealt with case and had him put in prison. It seems that Paul Griffiths swindled over £100,000 and could be as much as £180,000 by not placing insurance. I am told by the Police that the AMA had an agreement with this gentleman's BMNAA to place all their insurance which he did not do. Paul Griffiths had a block Insurance for his organisations which was no where near the amount of members he had and of course when the Insurance company found out his insurance was null and void. This was over a period of years hence the amount. This is not the first time I have heard of this scam and I am only reporting what was said to me and did ask the Police if I could report what the said and said yes as the man was convicted with all details in the Public Domain.
My own associations Insurance is with WWSI and I have to list the names and addresses of every member and you can see our Insurance details on with address and telephone number of the Insurance Company
please read the letter and tell me would you join his new association the MAC?
If you cannot enlarge this go to

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Paris Sambo
Paris Sambo tournament
Friday, July 09, 2010
Summer Camp Timetable
IBF/BCSA Summer Camp
Arrive Sunday August 22nd 2010
Course Introduction 7pm
Monday till Friday
8.15 am Breakfast
Lesson 1) 9.15am
Break 10.45am
Lesson 2) 11am
Lunch Break 12.30pm
Lesson 3) 1.30pm
Break 3pm
Lesson 4) 3, 15pm
Main Meal 5.30pm
Lesson 5) 7.30pm
Saturday Promotion Examinations 10am
Results 7pm
Course finishes 8pm
Sunday vacate 10am
The following subjects will be on offer Judo -Jiu Jitsu-Sombo/Sambo-MMA SportCS-CombatSombo-Submission Wrestling-C&R-Kurash-Belt Wrestling-Pankration-Weapon Training.
On the Sunday we will discuss what disciplines are required, please make sure you have the correct equipment i.e. if you want to train in MMA SportCS bring Head guard, MMA gloves and shin & Instep.
There are plenty of spaces still available; any queries contact Martin Clarke
Arrive Sunday August 22nd 2010
Course Introduction 7pm
Monday till Friday
8.15 am Breakfast
Lesson 1) 9.15am
Break 10.45am
Lesson 2) 11am
Lunch Break 12.30pm
Lesson 3) 1.30pm
Break 3pm
Lesson 4) 3, 15pm
Main Meal 5.30pm
Lesson 5) 7.30pm
Saturday Promotion Examinations 10am
Results 7pm
Course finishes 8pm
Sunday vacate 10am
The following subjects will be on offer Judo -Jiu Jitsu-Sombo/Sambo-MMA SportCS-CombatSombo-Submission Wrestling-C&R-Kurash-Belt Wrestling-Pankration-Weapon Training.
On the Sunday we will discuss what disciplines are required, please make sure you have the correct equipment i.e. if you want to train in MMA SportCS bring Head guard, MMA gloves and shin & Instep.
There are plenty of spaces still available; any queries contact Martin Clarke
British Kurash Open
Swallows Leisure Centre
The British Kurash Association recently held their Annual British Open at the Swallows; this had entries from all over GB as well as Uzbekistan and Turkey. Kurash is a Wrestling style from the Turkish Uzbekistan region and is over 500 years old the idea of the sport is to try and throw your opponent. There are no pins on the floor and no submissions, throwing only traditional styles of wrestling is quite common throughout the World, colder climates would use Jackets warmer parts would not, in England we have Cornish which dates back pre Agincourt and Cumberland and Westmorland.
The Warriors Grappling Academy based at the Swale Martial Arts Club train in various forms of grappling Judo, Sombo, Kurash, Pankration, CombatSombo, Belt Wresting, and MMA SportCS with its members doing extremely well. 17 year old James Marzetti is one of our brightest starts winning the U21years and gaining Silver in the Men’s event
Warriors Results:
People may be wondering what has been happening at the Swale Martial Arts Club for several weeks the club has been encased in scaffolding. The club had a major leak in the roof and some of the sand stone facade began to crumble so we had over £3000 worth of repairs to do and while their club members repainted the front and cleaned up the signs.
The Judo section is closed during August but we hope to have a Major membership drive in September where we offer the first lesson free of charge.
Anyone interested in becoming a member should contact Martin Clarke at or visit or telephone 01795 437124
Swallows Leisure Centre
The British Kurash Association recently held their Annual British Open at the Swallows; this had entries from all over GB as well as Uzbekistan and Turkey. Kurash is a Wrestling style from the Turkish Uzbekistan region and is over 500 years old the idea of the sport is to try and throw your opponent. There are no pins on the floor and no submissions, throwing only traditional styles of wrestling is quite common throughout the World, colder climates would use Jackets warmer parts would not, in England we have Cornish which dates back pre Agincourt and Cumberland and Westmorland.
The Warriors Grappling Academy based at the Swale Martial Arts Club train in various forms of grappling Judo, Sombo, Kurash, Pankration, CombatSombo, Belt Wresting, and MMA SportCS with its members doing extremely well. 17 year old James Marzetti is one of our brightest starts winning the U21years and gaining Silver in the Men’s event
Warriors Results:
People may be wondering what has been happening at the Swale Martial Arts Club for several weeks the club has been encased in scaffolding. The club had a major leak in the roof and some of the sand stone facade began to crumble so we had over £3000 worth of repairs to do and while their club members repainted the front and cleaned up the signs.
The Judo section is closed during August but we hope to have a Major membership drive in September where we offer the first lesson free of charge.
Anyone interested in becoming a member should contact Martin Clarke at or visit or telephone 01795 437124
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Monday, July 05, 2010
Pankration & MMA SportCS
First British CombatSombo Association
MMA SportCombatSombo Championship
First PankrationUK Championships
Warriors Grappling Club Sittingbourne Kent
This was both organisations venture into competitive Strike/Grappling competition; PankrationUK is a newly formed organisation which has strong links with the BCSA. It was decide to run a trial event with just a few competitors to test whether or not the events could be a success and I pleased to say it was.
MMA SportCombatSombo is a mixture of Grappling and striking, with the emphasis on grappling, and is a derivative of Combat Sambo which is practised throughout the world this style allows kicks to the groin, to the head, joints and allows punching to the head whilst on the ground, although it has a massive following it does not have mass appeal for practitioners. Martin Clarke who founded the CombatSombo system believes that style is to dangerous for the amateur Somboist and is nearly impossible to insure people for events. So he redeveloped it suit his own moral code and make it much safer so out go all punching to the head whilst on the ground, kicking to the groin and joints, kicks and punches to the head must only be done against the head guard, no elbow strikes, competitions to be done on a mat not a ring or cage.. This has made it a safer sport and more importantly a sport that can be insured, a sport not a gladiatorial conflict.
MMA SportCombatSombo Players wear Sambo, Jackets, shorts and boots plus head guard, shin and instep and MMA Gloves. Scoring is simple throws can be Total Victory, 4pts, 2pts, 1pts, Strikes can 4pts for a count of 8 Total Victory count of 10, ground hold 2pt or pts, Submission Total Victory by strangle, arm lock, leg lock, ankle lock. Victory is by Total, 12 clear pts or end of match majority points.
Danny Carrott at 23 years old was the youngest competitor as a highly ranked Sombo Wrestler, Kurash player and Judoka was the favourite to win the over 80 kg section which he did with some panache with only his 51 year old father giving him some problems. Danny realise that by taking a few strikes to his body and head guard he could get in close to destroy his opponent with some devastating throw.
I can see that MMA SportCombatSombo will be a success if we can convince people it not another form of Cage Fighting and the Injury level is minimal and no more dangerous then Judo, it is a safe way to link Striking arts and Grappling Skills together.
1st Paul Kemp Spitfire Grappling Folkestone
2nd Martyn Vicary Devon Krav Maga
3rd Russell Dodds Woodside Grappling Bedford
1st Danny Carrott Spitfire Grappling Folkestone
2nd Colin Carrott Warriors Grappling Academy Sittingbourne
3rd Saul White Warriors Grappling Academy Sittingbourne
This was also our first try at Pankration only being introduced to it in March of this year when we had the European President over for a course, with no experience officials in with no experience personal at all the event went very well. When survey after the two tournament 50% said their first preference was Pankration but it will not survive until we can get a supply of Pankration Uniform because no matter where we try nobody seems to be able to supply us at the moment we are using old fashion Rugby shirts and Judo Trousers.
Inintially when you read about Pankration you think this is the same as SportCombatSombo but NO the different style of scoring seems to put more emphasis on Striking .
Semi Contact Rules:
The rules as we understand it 3pts for semi contact kick to head, 1pt kick and punch to body including punching on the ground NO punches to head, 3pts for high throw and 1pt for low throw, Submission finishes the match points are totalled at the end of time.
These rules totally change the way the same fighters from MMA SportCombatSombo fought instead of going to their strong points of grappling they all went the way of trying to gain points from striking not one match was won on a submission. It certainly made for a different type of competition both styles were interesting but what has convinced me that the two should be treated as different sports.
1st Danny Carrott Spitfire Grappling Folkestone
2nd Paul Kemp Spitfire Grappling Folkestone
3rd Colin Carrott Warriors Grappling Academy Sittingbourne
I can see both disciplines taking of as they are different MMA SportCombatSombo will favour Judoka, Brazilian Jiu Jitsuka, Sombo Wrestlers, freestyle wrestlers who want to try an MMA style while Pankration will suit those doing Karate, Tae kwon do, Kung Fu, Kick Boxing. In September at the Warriors Grappling Academy East Street Sittingbourne we will have classes in Sombo and MMA SportCombatSombo on a Thursday 7.30pm and 8.30pm, On a Wednesday we will have Pankration at 7.30pm.
More information on both Sports contact Martin Clarke
Find more at YouTube Jethrograppler
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