Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Warriors Open Sombo & SportCombatSombo Competition

Warriors Grappling Academy

Sombo/SportCombatSombo Tournament

Swale Martial Arts Club 
127 East Street Sittingbourne ME10 4BL

Sunday December 1st 2013

Dear Friends

The Warriors are organising a small tournament at SMAC a small venue for an intimate small competition. It will be for Juniors and Seniors, Male and Female at a small charge of £5 per person. All players will be matched according to weight.

The divisions are Boys & Girls 8,9,10 – Boys & Girls 11, 12. 13, 14  - Young Person 15, 16, 17 Adult 18 and over Veteran o35, o45, o60.

For this to be a success we will need to have your entry with money by November 19th NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED so please fill in the form below and fill every section especially your email and Mobile number so we can contact you to confirm the event is on and to see if you have sufficient fighters in your group.




Mobile Number


Sombo or SportCombatSombo

This is for members of all BSF affiliated associations:

Send Cheque to Young Judo Club, 

Entries to Martin Clarke 118 East Street Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4RX ibfbcsa@gmail.com

Correct equipment
Sombo Jacket (No Judo Jackets) correct coloured Shorts i.e. red and blue we will make an allowance on Sombo boots on this occasion but for future events they will be expected. Keith Costa has a limited amount of Jackets he can loan but you must contact him direct and in advance to see if he has your size he can be contacted on youngjudoclub@gmail.com

Russell Dodds is the official Supplier of all Sombo equipment in the UK and abroad he is linked with Lonsdale and will soon have all Sombo equipment in Sports Direct Shops he can be contacted on
Russell has all sizes in Sombo –Jackets-Shorts-Boots-BSF Tracksuits-CombatSambo Safety Equipment







This is to select teams for World and European Championships. Most importantly to select a team for the Presidents Cup. Entrants must be members of a BSF affiliated Association, hold a British Passport and have been a resident in GB for 5 years

Saturday, October 12, 2013

CombatSombo Book Price rise at Amazon

Can You believe the price of this book by Ollie Batts I have been selling them for £10. Only have a few left may keep them as an investment I believe Ollie published 500 I have about 10 so there is over 490 out there some where some even signed by yours truly

Have one to sell? Sell yours here
Click to open expanded view
Tell the Publisher! 
I’d like to read this book on Kindle

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here, or download aFREE Kindle Reading App

Combat Sombo: Russian Martial Art [Paperback]

Ollie Batts A.G. Mikhaylov 
4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (2 customer reviews)

Available from these sellers.

1 new from £15.00 1 used from £55.00
Books Trade-In
Amazon.co.uk Trade-In Store
Did you know you can trade in your unwanted old books for an Amazon.co.uk Gift Card? Plus, until October 31, 2013, get an extra £5 Promotional Claim Code when you submit £10 or more of books for trade-in. Books Trade-In Store for more details. Learn more.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

British Sombo News

British Sombo is moving forward



I have enclosed a link to my blog this gives you an excellent insight into the Biggest and best FIAS Congress we have ever had. While at the congress I formulated some new contacts, which hopefully will benefit the BSF membership.

 Next years World Championships will be Japan unless we get some funding for this it will be a very costly trip. And as you know the BSF is totally self funding and does not have the resources to fund international trips. Yet there are some international events closer to home at the end of January the Belgium Federation are holding a small event, Germany have events in Hamburg and Dortmund, France Paris. The Arnold Sports Festival in the USA at the end of February. There is also the World Masters in October 2014 in Bulgaria GB always does well in this event so hopefully we will have a team for this. It also hoped to send some players to the World Cadet and Junior Championships

FIAS President Shestakov 

The most important event for 2014 is the Presidents Cup in London you can find more on the blog I mentioned above which includes the speech by the President of the Commonwealth Sambo Association Lord Simon Reading,  Positive Russia Foundation will have £1.5 million for this event and the BSF will have a major role in organising this event. So how will affect the BSF Team and officials for this one occasion all those involved will get their travel and accommodation paid for in this most prestigious event. To get selected you will have to attend the British Trials in on March 29th in Bedford as the host country we will be allowed 2 players per weigh category


The Hall where the Sombo will be held

The British Trials will be for Senior Men and Women, it will take part before the British Open on the same day, all entrants will have to book in advance, sending in a copy of their passports as the British Team will consists of British Subjects only, a copy of proof of membership to a BSF affiliated association. Entry forms will be available at the end of the year

The BSF is a true federation of associations, each association affiliates each year and this allows their members to participate in BSF events.

Sombo Equipment in the past we have been relaxed on Sombo Uniform because there was difficulty in obtaining equipment, this is no longer the case as Russell Dodds along with Sports Direct and Lonsdale are now selling all sizes of Jackets, Boots and Shorts. So all future BSF sanctioned events competitors will be attired in correct uniform. While on the subject of uniform at all BSF events medallist will present themselves in Red Uniform

December 1st
Warriors Grappling Club
Present an Open Sombo Competition
 Swale Martial arts Club Sittingbourne ME10 4BL
Contact ibfbcsa@gmail.com for entry forms

Red Star Sambo
Open Sombo Tournament
Dumfries Scotland
November 30th

January 18th 2014

BSF Awards Dinner 7pm
Coniston Hotel

Monday, October 07, 2013

Judo and Sombo Events

Forthcoming Events


Russell intends running a Judo event in November let us know if you will support him

Keith Costa is considering running a Judo event at the Swallows in April let us know if you will support him

It is not possible any more just to hope people will enter events we need support


December 1st Sombo/Combat Sambo Tournament Swale Martial Club Sittingbourne contact IBFBCSA@Gmail.com for more information

BSF British Open Sombo /Combat Sambo March Bedford

April British Trials for Presidents Cup, Europeans and Worlds Bedford

All BSF events correct uniform will be worn Boots Red and Blue Shorts Reversible Jackets will be allowed only in Home events. The BSF will no longer accept any variation from this uniform. In the past we allowed variation because of the difficulty of obtaining equipment this no longer the case Russell Dodds now sells all Sombo equipment from children to adult

British Trials is for British Subjects with a British Passport and membership of a BSF Association proof will be required

Next Year World Sambo will be November in Japan
Presidents Cup June London
Europeans May Country to be announced
Masters October Greece
World Cadets 15-16 Cyprus December
Arnold Sports Tournament Feb/March USA