Wednesday, June 26, 2013

BSF President Robin Hyslop say election of Mr Shultz is wrong

A Letter From BSF President Robin Hyslop

Dear FIAS Presidents

As President of the BSF I was pleased to be able to send 2 members of the BSF Executive to the meeting in Malaysia, they were sent as observers. The concept of a gathering of people interested in the development of World Wide Sambo was good.
Yet to criticise one set of people for incorrect procedure with regards to FIAS Statutes and then totally ignore the statues yourself is wrong

I refer to the election of Mr Shultz which against the statutes

FIAS Statutes State

21.1.     Candidates for President of the International Amateur SAMBO Federation (FIAS) are presented by the Executive Committee or a group of minimum five national SAMBO federations. President is elected at a session of the FIAS Congress through secret ballot or open vote (pursuant to resolution of the FIAS Congress) for four years.



Federations – FIAS members undertake to resolve any disputes arising between them inside the FIAS. Claims that have not been settled with the FIAS Bureau or the Executive Committee will be forwarded for consideration to the FIAS Congress. If unable to resolve disputes within the FIAS, the claimant will be entitled to address respective courts, including the sports arbitration court in Lausanne.

No one has gone through the process of making a complaint to the FIAS Congress which is held at the World Championships in November


Unscheduled Congress Sessions can be organized upon provision of a written request signed by minimum 1/3 of national SAMBO federations -members of the International Amateur SAMBO Federation (FIAS). Such applications stating reasons for unscheduled sessions of the FIAS Congress should be forwarded to the FIAS Executive Committee that will decide on the time and place for the unscheduled session within a month from the application receipt.

There was no notification or correct procedure for an unscheduled Congress. The meeting in Malaysia was advertised as a World Wide Development for Sambo

As President of the BSF if I have a problem with FIAS I will do it with in the statutes of FIAS and bring my complaints to the FIAS Congress in November. The BSF is directed by our government to belong to the World Wide Governing Body

This creation of alternative FIAS is not the right way to solve difference it will only weaken World Wide Sambo and our bid for the Olympics

Robin Hyslop

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