Swale Martial Arts Club
July 11th 2010
Boys and Girls
Age 8 years to 11 years - 12, 13, 15 years
Competitors will be matched
Competitors can correct Sombo Kit (we have a limited amount for sale) or they can wear Judo Jacket with Black shorts Baseball boots or Wrestling boots are allowed

First Junior British Pankration Grappling Tournament
Venue and Date as above Categories as above
Pankration is an ancient Sport from the Ancient Olympics in Greece, they have 4 types of Combat Full contact Striking and Grappling-Semi contact Striking and Grappling- Grappling only- Demonstration.
Pankration involves throwing your and obtaining a submission for Children under 16 submission are barred so for children it is throwing only.
How do I score for a high throw 3 pts a low throw or take down 1 pt
You fight for 3 minutes and then your points are added up
Referees do not give score Judges count points
There is a special uniform for Pankartion but at present we do not have aces to them so will allow you to wear Judogi
This event is for members of the following organisations:
International Budo Federation-GrapplingUK-British CombatSombo Association-PankrationUK
Your entry with money £7.50p (this is for both events) must arrive by July 3rd no late entries will be accepted
send money to IBF 118 East Street Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4RX
entries will be accepted by paypal (Clarkees, Clarkessportsstudio@hotmail.com) or by Internet Banking international Budo Federation NatWest sort Code 60-19-25 Acc No 30883814
send entries via email to IBFBCSA@Googlemail.com
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