Justin Polette
3rd degree Jujutsu
2nd degree Judo
1st degree CombatSombo
MMA and BJJ Coach
Justin "The Anaconda" Polette
Age- 33
Height- 6'3"
Fighting Weight- 185- 205 lbs
Martial Arts Record
St. Louis Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Open- Bronze Medal - 190lb. division
National Isshinryu Hall of Fame Tournament- 1st Kata
National Isshinryu Hall of Fame Tournament- 2nd Kumite
Cage of Fury - The Battle for Independance
1st Round - 35 Sec. (guillotine choke)
Cage of Fury - Annhilation
1st Round - 1 min 13 Sec. (arm triangle)
Cage of Fury - Adrenaline Rush
1st Round - 42 sec. (anaconda choke)
Influences in the martial arts- Bruce Lee, Royce Gracie, Bas Rutten, Randy Couture, Sensei Little, Coach Henry, and my Dad
"If we fight for money, I'll stop when you ask me to. If we fight for honor, I'll stop when I want to" - Rickson Gracie
I have trained in traditional Japanese Jujutsu, Judo, Sambo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and American Catch Wrestling. I have trained with a former pro boxer and collegiate wrestler who is now my MMA coach for the past few years. He is an expert in BJJ and Sambo. I have a 3-1 record in the Cage of Fury organization, all 3 wins via first round submission, and I am the owner of Anaconda MMA in St. Peters. I train submission grappling (BJJ, Judo, Sambo, CACC Wrestling, Budo Taijutsu) for several hours a day.
Justin Polette
Anaconda MMA
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