Thursday, December 14, 2006

IBF grades confirmed by BJA

Members of the Young Judo Club took advantage of the new openness of the British Judo Association where they allow you to belong to any Judo organisations as well as the BJA. The YJC has always given its first loyalty to the International Budo Federation, the BJA offered to run a Grade recognition and Coaching recognition course at the Clubs HQ in Sittingbourne in the weekend of December 8,9,10. The course was a great success and the YJC instructors were impressed with the standard of the BJA examiners and their friendliness. Contest grades also had to go to the Budokwai to prove themselves on their contest as well as doing their theory at the club as expected John Clarke had his 4th Dan confirmed, Colin Carrott 3rd confirmed and Danny Carrott 2nd Dan confirmed. Those taking Technical Grades still have little more to do before they also get their grade confirmed but this will be no problem as it just a matter of demonstrating Katame No Kata. I will give a full report in January

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