Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why have a Gay Olympics?

Before you read my article you need to click on the link below and read some extracts from "Equity in Your Coaching" produced by the National Coaching Foundation this is part of the "Club Mark" Scheme.


Dear Editor
Some weeks ago I wrote an article stating how was disappointed with the Kent County Council with special reference to:
1) Their Internet TV Experiment
2) Their involvement with the Iceland Banks
3) Their promotion of Homosexuality in Schools
The latter provokes a response which I followed up with a further letter which I thought would have been printed as a “right to reply” sadly it has not been published yet. This is an extract from the letter:
JB accuses me of being Homophobic which means the fear of Homosexuals and since this Nu Labour government came to power I am, I also have a fear of Ethnic minorities. Not a fear of being attacked etc but a justified fear that as a White Heterosexual Male myself, my children and my grand children no longer have equal rights as these groups, for example jobs which have no bearing on sexually or colour of skin I.e. Police, Fire Brigade and many other government departments are being offered to Homosexuals and ethnics only! This is wrong and I do not want hear no mumbo jumbo about jobs should represent society A JOB SHOULD GO TO THE BEST PERSON Capable of doing the job. Interesting enough JB compares homosexually as a religion that is how far Nu Labour has taken GAY rights to the level of a New Religion. I never condoned the persecution of Homosexuals and thought it was right when it was legalised what some one does between the sheets is their business but I will never understand and will agree that the physical act of Homosexuals is no more then a sexual deviancy and should not be seen as normal.

Of course as soon as you complain or make a disparaging remark about Homosexuals you are either Homophobic, Closet Gay or a Religious nut I am none of them but I am an “equality nut”. Once again I have found proof that Gays and lesbians are getting preferential treatment over normal sexed people, this time it is in Sport. By having their own Gay and Lesbian mock Olympics in Holland every year I find offensive because it is discriminatory but would not want it banned as British Gay and Lesbian Athletes do not get funded from Tax payer’s money. I still do not understand how a person’s sexuality affects their performance as an athlete, I am sure there has been Gay Olympic medallist.
This discrimination is soon to be state funded if the National Coaching Foundation has their way. In a book published by them called “Equity in Your Coaching” this title is linked to UK Sports drive to get every sports club to get a “Club Mark”. Every Club wishing a Club Mark must attend a course on the subject, you will read that this organisation is actively encouraging discrimination against Heterosexuals!
I have been a World Master’s judo Champion, World Silver medallist in Sombo and Jiu Jitsu in that time I have competed against men from all over the world on no occasions have I asked what their sexual preference was, I did not want to know and more importantly did not care to me they were just another competitor who needed to be beaten.
Inequality in this country is very obvious let me give you some examples :
1) There are Gay Sports teams (Why ?) would a Hetro Teams be allowed?
2) There is a Black Policeman’s association no white one
3) Women only Gym yet Male only Golf clubs are illegal
I personally could not care about any of these I believe it is a right for like minded people to band together but at the moment that is not the case today “Surely it the right of every English to congregate with whom he likes”

Please see attachment

Martin Clarke Sittingbourne

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