Friday, April 02, 2010

Sambo brotherhood

Roman Ship
"What is a matter
with the people of GB.....?" hahaha
maybe cos British SOmbo Federation Wankers!!! last sunday i be in BJJ british open... over 600 competitors and 1,000 spectators over the weekend., with entries from around UK, Europe and even Brazil!

I recently sent out a letter to people to get them motivated on participating in the British Sombo Championships. the above letter appeared on Darren Richardson Face Book Sambo Brotherhood

This gentleman is not known to the BSF, he is not a member of any BSF affiliated organisation and to our knowledge has never participated in a BSF event

So why does he use such crude lanquage and what is his problem?

Yet he has the cheek to book in as a non member for the British Sombo Open it will come as no big surprise that his entry has been refused by the BSF EC and his cheques returned. The BSF doesnot need people like that. There was another insulting article which I may publish later but I have given the youngster chance to put his complaint in more coherent way with some facts to back up his argument

On a good note my letter seems to have worked and we filled all weights from 68k upwards the Junior event has been moved to another date. So come along and enjoy a day of Sombo Wrestling

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